Championship bouts shall be governed by the WBC Rules and Regulations and in full agreement with the local boxing commission where the contest is held.
The violation of these championship rules may be cause for disqualification and/or suspension, fine, other disciplinary action of the boxer and/or loss of the bout.
Only managers with legal contracts, and/or those with written authorization of the boxer they represent, shall sign these World Championship Rules and Regulations.
In any case, no boxer can claim lack of knowledge of these World Championship Rules and Regulations.
WC-4 Contracts.
The contracts for the bout must be registered and filed with the WBC 30 days prior to the bout, and approved and authorized by the President, or Executive Secretary on his behalf, and all other requirements contained in the WBC Rules and Regulations must be complied with, including, but not limited to, payment of championship certification fees from the purses of the boxers, payment of promotional fees, submission of all boxers medical exams 30 days prior to the contest, and all required reports, as well as all arrangements by the promoter for the insurance coverage to the boxers as provided in the WBC Rules and Regulations. Promoters must comply with all requirements of the WBC stated in the bout authorization agreement.
Prior to the bout, the boxer must designate in writing the beneficiary of life insurance.
WC-5 Medical Exams.
Both, the champion and the challenger must submit to the WBC offices complete and current medical reports and certificates of their medical condition 30 days prior to the bout and in accordance with the format provided by the WBC.
Failure to comply with the above mentioned requirements, could be cause of a fine that would be determined by the WBC Board of Governors.
This fine could be applied to boxers, managers, trainers, seconds and promoters.
WC-6 Medical Exam.
Immediately after the weigh-in ceremony, both boxers shall be examined by the local commission doctor on the following:
Eyes, ears, troat, hernial orifices, conditioning.
Respiratory system:
Circulatory System:
heart rate, pulse, blood pressure.
Locomotive System:
tendon reflexes, Romberg.
Skeletal System:
Upper extremities:
Hands, Wrists, Elbows, Shoulders, Ribs. Neurology testing.
Referee’s medical exam.
The referee shall have a blood pressure, heart rate and reflexes medical examination during or after the weigh-in ceremony.
WC-7 Ring Officials.
The parties recognize and accept that ring officials at WBC sanctioned fights will exercise their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the procedures and practices contained in the WBC Ring Officials Guidelines and in the Appendix to these rules.
Ring officials are prohibited to make statements to the press after fights if they are not authorized by the local commission and/or the WBC representative.
WC-8 Medical Requirements.
It is the duty of the medical officer of the local boxing commission to:
1) have portable resuscitators or similar equipment available in good working order;
2) examine the boxers, with no exception, after the contest in the dressing rooms;
and 3) issue a written medical statement about their condition.
The medical officer of the local boxing commission shall update each boxer’s International Traveling License after the contest.
There shall be an ambulance parked in the freely accessible place from one hour before until one hour after the contest is completed.
Further, there must be a stretcher under the ring for easy access, a portable resuscitator at ringside, a ringside telephone for emergency calls to an already agreed-to hospital and a neurosurgeon on call.
A cervical brace and backboard shall be at ringside.
WC-9 Ring doctor.
The ring doctor shall have a seat at the apron of the ring.
If the doctor deems necessary for the fight to be stopped because of serious damage to the boxer’s health, he must hand the red card over to the referee as an indication of the need to stop the bout;
however, the decision of stopping the bout will be the referee’s responsibility.
WC-10 24-30 Hours Prior to the Bout.
The weigh-in ceremony shall be held from 24 to 30 hours prior to the start of the boxing event.
The local commission shall select the best-certified scale and flooring place to ensure maximum accuracy in the weights.
WC-11 Weigh-in Date and Place.
Both boxers shall be present during the weigh-in ceremony at _____ hrs. of_____ day of ______ month of_______ year, in_____________________ place.
WC-12 Weigh-in Weight Limits.
Each boxer will not exceed the weight of _____ pounds or _____ kg. If one of the boxers exceeds such weight, he will be allowed two (2) hours to make the weight by weighing-in as many times as he desires.
WC-13 Weigh-in.
Non Compliance of Weight Limits.
a) If the champion exceeds the official weight limit in his last time weighing within the two-(2) hour period has elapsed, he will lose the title on the scale, but the fight will take place for twelve (12) rounds.
If the challenger was within the official weight and wins the match, he will be declared the new champion, but if the exchampion wins the match, the title will be declared vacant.
b) If the challenger exceeds the official weight limit in his last time weighing within the two-(2) hour period has elapsed, the champion will win the bout by default.
The promoter will have the option to conduct the bout but it will not be for the world title.
c) If the champion and challenger do not make the weight after weighing within the two (2) hours, the title will be declared vacant.
The promoter will have the option to conduct the bout but it will not be for the world title.
WC-14 The gloves.
For every fight from the Minimum up to the Welterweight division, the eight (8) ounce gloves shall be used.
For every bout from the Superwelterweight up to the Heavyweight division, the ten (10) ounce gloves must be used.
Unless otherwise stated in the contracts of the bout, the promoter will provide the gloves of his choice for each title bout, but in any and all cases, the gloves provided by the promoter shall be approved by the WBC supervisor and the local commission and such gloves must have the thumbs attached.
WC-15 The bandages.
The bandages will be put on in the dressing room under the supervision of the local commission and/or the WBC representative, and a second of the opposing boxer.
The bandage must be of crepe or gauze, and their length shall be enough to protect the boxer’s hands.
The adhesive tape shall be no more than 2.5 meters long and 2.5 centimeters wide for each hand.
This adhesive tape will be placed only on the dorsum of the hand and/or the bandaging but not on the knuckles, which must be protected, only by the bandages.
The use of any liquid or other substance on the bandages is prohibited.
The hand bandages on each boxer shall be signed or stamped by the WBC representative, and the authorized supervisor of the local commission.
The promoter shall indicate the exact time of the bout;
in order to schedule the taping of both boxers, in a timely manner to provide boxers with sufficient time for bandaging, avoiding this way, any rushing and defective warming up which would harm the boxers’ performance on the ring.
TIME OF BOUT____________.
WC-16 Antidoping Tests.
It is absolutely prohibited for a boxer to drink anything but water and electrolytes (like Gatorade), during the bout, and any use of drugs, stimulants, or other prohibited substance, during or prior to the bout will be cause for disqualification of a boxer of other disciplinary measures.
No boxer shall be permitted to use any substance during or prior to the bout, that would make him psychologically or physically superior or inferior to his opponent.
Any boxer taking any medication must report same to the local commission and the WBC no later than at the weigh-in ceremony.
Antidoping tests will be mandatory for every WBC certified title match.
When the site for a title bout has no antidoping testing facilities.
Those in a nearby city may be used.
Two (2) urine samples bottles from each boxer shall be taken at the dressing rooms after the fights.
Such samples will be sealed and signed by the doctor, the boxer and/or his representative, and the local commissioner or the WBC representative.
The bottles will be marked “1” and “2” or “A” and “B”, and will be sent to the laboratory for antidoping testing.
The results shall be reported within one (1) week after the bout.
If the first bottle, “1” or “A”, is found positive, the WBC shall be immediately informed by the local commission or directly by the laboratory.
The WBC will immediately contact the affected boxer, or his representative, to inform him of his right to select a representative to witness a second test.
A positive result of bottle “1” or “A” shall be kept in strict confidence within the laboratory, the local commission, the WBC Executive Offices, its official representative during the bout and the offending boxer.
The WBC shall be responsible for conducting the second test, when the first is found positive, and bottles “2” or “B” shall be sent to the laboratory officially and expressly appointed by the WBC.
The boxer’s representative may supervise the second testing.
The WBC and/or the local commission may agree upon another laboratory.
If bottle “2” or “B” is found positive, confirming the first test, the WBC shall proceed immediately to inform the boxer, schedule a hearing, and appoint a WBC Investigating Committee, if necessary.
The WBC Board of Governors shall determine appropriate sanctions, in accordance with the WBC Rules and Regulations.
WC-17 Substances.
Only Vaseline, used under the supervision of the referee will be allowed to be applied to the face, arms or any part of the body of a boxer during a bout.
No smelling salts, ammonia nor other substances may be administered to revive a boxer, or for any other reason, during a bout.
In case of a cut, only a solution of adrenaline 1/1000 shall be used in the corner to heal the cut.
Avetine could be used if both parties and the local boxing commission agree.
Containers with adrenaline 1/1000 solution and water shall be provided to the cornermen by the local doctor or brought by handlers, under strict supervision and authorization of the WBC representative and/or the local affiliated commission, and no other bottle or container shall be allowed or used in the corners during a bout.
Electrolytes are also allowed at the boxer’s choice, but is not mandatory.
Any other solution or substance is prohibited.
The cornermen shall use only:
a) water and/or electrolytes;
b) Vaseline;
c) ice;
d) adrenaline 1/1000, Avetine if both parties and the local commission agree, or a WBC approved hemostatics;
e) gauze pads;
f) cotton tips;
g) blunted scissors;
h) adhesive tape;
i) towels;
j) cotton wads, or soft bandages;
k) eye swell, during the bout.
Any cornermen using prohibited substances, or otherwise endangering the health of a boxer, shall be suspended for a period of time suitable under the circumstances and at the discretion of the WBC Board of Governors.
The promoter and/or the local commission must have a replacement set of gloves identical to the ones being used by the boxer which were approved by the WBC and the local commission, as well as a replacement of trunks and shoelaces, for each boxer.
The WBC representative and the local commission shall be responsible of guaranteeing, previous to the contest, following conditions are complied with:
a) The ring must be equipped with an approved safety mat.
b) The size of the ring shall not be smaller than eighteen (18) feet or five and one half (5.5) meters on each side and no large than twenty four
(24) feet, or seven and one third (7.3) meters, on each side, and that the apron extending beyond the ropes is at least thirty six (36) inches, or .9144 meters deep.
c) The ring ropes are four (4) in number, as high as 1.20 meters, or forty seven (47) inches from canvas, not less than one (1) inch, or two and one half (2.5) centimeters, in diameter, hung to a normal lightness and wrapped securely in soft material.
d) There are mops or cleaning articles for shoes and the ring surface.
e) All four (4) corners are covered with soft safety materials for the protection of the boxers.
f) The ring has two (2) easy access stairways for the boxers to walk in and out safely and steps available for medical personnel to enter the ring.
WC-20 Boxers.
The champion_____________ will wear trunks of _________ color, and the challenger____________ will wear trunks of _________ color.
The corner of___________ color will be for the champion, and the corner of___________color will be for the challenger.
The other two corners shall be white as the neutral corners.
Both boxers shall be present in the dressing rooms at the bout site at least two (2) hours before the contest starts;
that is______________ and be in the ring at__________.
Only the WBC representatives, local commissioner and doctors will be allowed in the dressing rooms before the bout.
Unless consent is given, no newspaper, radio reporters, other press people, or any other unauthorized person will be allowed in the dressing rooms before the bout.
The local commission, with the assistance of the WBC representative when necessary, shall assure that payments to managers and boxers are made separately, by check, with no more than 33% for the manager, except in cases when prohibited by law.
A beard on a boxer shall be acceptable if its thickness is not considered a cushion and will not cause a cut to his rival.
The decision will be the responsibility of the local commission.
WC-25 Championship belt.
The world champion shall bring the championship belt when coming into the ring, to be given to the WBC representative.
At the end of the contest, the WBC representative and a representative of the local boxing commission, shall present the belt to the winner.
The commissioners and WBC representative (s) shall escort the flags into the ring when national anthems are played.
WC-26 WBC and World Champion Logo.
The world champion will be recommended to wear the official world champion logo of the WBC in his trunks.
The challenger will be recommended to wear the WBC logo in his trunks.
WC-27 Unrelated problems or Disputes.
In the event of a problem or dispute related to a subject not covered in these World Championship Rules and Regulations, or in the event that both boxers have not agreed on a matter which required their agreement hereunder, the local commission shall issue a decision on the problem, dispute or other matter with consultation and approval of the WBC representative;
provided, however, that in the event of continuing disagreement, a final decision on any such problem, dispute or other matter shall be made by the WBC Board of Directors.
WC-28 Rounds.
The title bout will be twelve (12) rounds of three (3) minutes each, with one (1) minute of rest between the end of one (1) round and the beginning of the next, which will be indicated by the sound of the bell.
The time taken by doctors will be added to the one (1)-minute rest.
The bell sounding at the end of the round twelve (12) shall end the contest.
The resting minute belongs to the previously fought round.
WC-29 Scoring.
The scoring system shall be the ten-(10) point must.
All score cards will be independent for each round, and the WBC representative or the person chosen by him, will mark the scoring after each round, using the WBC master scoring sheets.
There will be three (3) judges who will each score the bout, and a non-scoring referee.
The judges will score only the result of the round;
any point deducted by the referee will be subtracted by the WBC representative in the master score sheet.
Partial rounds will be scored, namely, even if the bout had had to be stopped before the conclusion of the round.
WC-30 Knockdowns:
If a boxer is legally knocked outside the ring, the downed boxer will be given twenty (20) seconds to return to the ring, without any aid or assistance from his corner.
If the boxer fails to return to the ring unassisted in twenty (20) seconds, the bout will be stopped and he will lose by TKO.
In the event of a legal knock down, the referee must order the standing boxer to the farthest neutral corner, and the boxer must remain there until the referee orders him to resume boxing.
If such boxer leaves the neutral corner before he is called to box, the referee will interrupt the count and will not resume the count again until the boxer returns to the neutral corner.
When the referee interrupts and then resumes his count in accordance with the foregoing, he will commence at the same second where the count was stopped at the time of interruption.
WC-31 The Bell.
The bell will not save a boxer who has been knocked down except in the last round when the bell indicates the end of the fight.
If a boxer is knocked down by a clean punch at the end of a round, the referee will continue the count, and will declare him the loser by knock out if he does not get up unassisted before the count of ten (10) seconds.
The time keeper will ring the bell to indicate the end of the round at the precise moment when the boxer gets up.
WC-32 Cuts.
In the event of a cut, the referee shall consult with the ring doctor to determine if the bout should continue.
The ring doctor will hand the WBC red card before the referee to indicate danger to the boxer’s health and request the fight to be stopped.
The referee must consider the doctor’s opinion regarding the risks to the boxer’s integrity.
However, only the referee is authorized to stop the bout, and will have the final decision.
a) Intentional head butt.
When a cut is caused by an intentional head butt, and the cut boxer is unable to continue, the offending boxer will lose by disqualification.
If the cut boxer is able to continue, the butting boxer will be penalized two (2) points.
b) Unintentional head butt.
When a boxer is cut due to an unintentional head butt, as per the discretion of the referee, the uncut boxer will receive a one-(1) point deduction.
This rule does not apply in the USA.
If the cut occurs before the bell for the start of the fifth (5 th ) round and the cut boxer is unable to continue, the bout will be declared a technical draw.
If the cut occurs or the cut is increased by legal punches after the bell for the start of the fifth (5th) round, and the fight is stopped by the referee, the boxer who is ahead on the judge’s scorecards, including the round in which the bout is stopped, will be declared the winner by technical decision.
The round in which the contest is stopped will be scored, even if it is a partial round.
WC-33 Body Fouls.
Except as provided below, there will be no disqualification for fouls to the body.
The referee, at his discretion, shall order points deductions when appropriate for foul (s), and will provide the fouled boxer with reasonable time for recovery but not more than five (5) minutes.
However, if the referee, at his discretion, determines that it was a foul and the ring doctor determines that the fouled boxer cannot continue, the offending boxer will be disqualified.
If the doctor determines the fouled boxer can continue fighting but he does not continue, he will lose by abandonment.
In the case of clear, extreme and continued fouls, with the offending boxer disregarding warnings and point deductions by the referee, the referee may disqualify the offending boxer after specific warning and not before three (3) different point deduction occasions.
WC-34 Fouls.
All fouls recognized by boxing authorities shall be penalized by warnings from the referee and point deduction(s), at the discretion of the referee, after two warnings.
A list of common fouls is as follows:
1. Hitting below the belt (being a line encircling the body at the level of the navel).
2. Use of elbows, shoulders or forearms.
3. Butting with the head.
4. Hitting in the back of the head (rabbit punch)
5. Striking the kidneys or back
6. Hitting with the antedorsum (the inside of the glove)
7. Hitting with the back of the hand.
8. Striking with the knees, feet or any part of the legs.
9. Holding the ring ropes to hit with the other hand.
10. Hitting the opponent when part of his body is out of the ropes.
11. Hitting an opponent when he is down or getting up from the canvas.
12. Leaving the neutral corner and striking the opponent before the referee’s instructions.
13. Holding the opponent or maintaining a clinch.
14. Striking after the referee’s order to “break” or “stop”.
15. Stepping on the opponent.
16. Holding the opponent’s head or body with one hand, while hitting with the other.
17. Using the open hand to fix the face or rub the glove on the opponent’s face.
18. Thumbing the opponent’s eyes.
19. Striking after the bell.
20. Crouching the body below the opponent’s belt defensively or to strike.
21. Biting or spitting on the opponent.
22. Using abusive or profane language.
23. Failing to obey the referee’s command.
24. Giving the back and walking, or running, away from the other boxer.
25. Spitting the mouthpiece.
26. Cutting or mutilate the gloves (seconds).
25. Any rough tactics other than clean punches.
WC-35 Mismatch.
The referee may stop a bout, at his discretion, when the contest becomes a mismatch and the inferiority of one of the boxers is such that continuation might endanger his health.
WC-36 Unexpected events.
In the event that, at the discretion of the referee, it becomes impossible to continue the bout for reasons unrelated to the action taking place in the ring, such as power failure, ring destruction, accidents of nature and other like unforeseen events, like injuries by actions of the referee, the fight shall be officially stopped declaring decision proceeding, as stated in Rule WC-32.
If a boxer is injured by any action by himself or by his cornermen during the bout and can not continue the bout, at the discretion of the doctor, he will lose by abandonment.
WC-37 No handlers or cornermen may interfere with or assist a boxer who has been knocked down, unless asked by the referee or the ring doctor.
WC-38 Seconds.
Each boxer is allowed to have four (4) seconds, with one (1) second acting as an assistant on the floor but not in the ring and only one (1) inside the ring ropes during the one (1) minute rest period.
The chief second must identify himself to the referee before the start of the contest and he is responsible for the actions of all other seconds in his boxer’s corner.
No direct relatives of a competing boxer (e.g. brother, sister, father or mother) of either boxer shall be allowed to act as a second in the corner, during the title match, even in circumstances where the relative is a boxer’s training or manager, unless special circumstances exist or exemption has been obtained following a majority vote of the Board of Governors.
WC-39 Mouthpiece.
No boxer will be allowed to box at any time without a mouthpiece.
Each boxer must have a spare mouthpiece in his corner.
Should a boxer lose his mouthpiece during the round, the referee will interrupt the contest and have the mouthpiece cleaned and replaced.
Should the mouthpiece be lost during an exchange, the referee shall wait until the cessation of the action that caused the loss of the mouthpiece to stop the contest and order its replacement.
In the event that the mouthpiece is intentionally expelled, the referee shall, at his discretion, penalize the offending boxer with a point deduction.
The mouthpiece must be presented during weigh-ins for doctor’s supervision.
WC-40 Seconds.
The referee must stop the bout when requested by a boxer’s chief second.
The boxer’s second shall not enter the ring to request the bout to be stopped.
If so, the referee may ask the fighters to continue at his discretion, and the seconds will be subjected to a fine or suspension, which will be determined by the Board of Governors.
Any action by any cornermen such as cutting or mutilating the gloves of a boxer at any time during the bout will be penalized with two (2) point deduction and the second or corner person guilty of such act will be subjected to a fine and/or suspension which will be determined by the Board of Governors.
WC-41 The referee has the authority to:
1) instruct and supervise the cornermen in their duties and responsibilities during the match, and 2) supervise all medical care of the boxers.
He shall have the authority to inspect and confiscate any substance, material or equipment used in a corner which he believes might violate these World Championship Rules and Regulations.
WC-42 For record purposes, when a contest is stopped by the boxer’s chief second, the doctor or the referee during the resting period, he will lose by TKO in the round last fought, if the bell has not sounded to start the next one.
WC-43 The parties agree to be bound by the Constitution, and Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of the WBC in all matters pertaining to the conduct of this bout and its outcome.
The WBC Ring Officials Guidelines shall be controlling as to the ring officials assigned to this contest.